Beware of the cost of maintaining a heat pump: What's hidden at the time of purchase

When you decide to install a heat pump (HP) to heat your home, it's important to include the necessary maintenance costs in the overall cost of the system. Although they are not often mentioned at the time of purchase, they represent a considerable sum over time.

The different types of heat pump have specific maintenance requirements, but there are also financial aids available to alleviate these costs.

In this article, we look at the different heat pump technologies and their maintenance, as well as solutions for reducing the cost of maintaining your heat pump.

The different types of heat pumps

There are several different heat pump technologies, each with its own maintenance requirements. Here are a few of the most commonly used examples:

  • Air-to-air heat pump
  • Air-to-water heat pump

Air-to-air heat pump maintenance

Maintaining an air-to-air heat pump mainly involves checking and cleaning the units interior and exterioras well as filters. Regular maintenance avoids problems such as excessive power consumption, reduced performance and malfunctions.

Most of the time, you can maintain an air-source heat pump yourself, simply by changing a filter and doing some standard cleaning. You don't need to check the refrigeration system very often.

Air-to-water heat pump maintenance

To maintain an air-to-water heat pump, you need to check refrigerant levels, perform an electrical check and inspect the hydraulic system. It should be noted that F-Gas regulations require that heat pumps containing more than 2 kg of refrigerant are subject to an annual inspection by a certified professional.

The cost of heat pump maintenance

The cost of maintaining a heat pump depends mainly on the type of contract signed with the professional in charge of maintenance:

  • One-off maintenance: approx. 150 to 250 euros
  • Annual contract with full inspections: 200 to 500 euros. This represents more than 10,000 euros over the lifetime of the PAC.
  • Annual contract with additional interventions: 600 euros max.

It's advisable to compare several quotes before choosing a professional, taking into account the services offered as well as the price of maintenance. Of course, these rates also vary according to the complexity of the installation and the options chosen.

Financial assistance for heat pump maintenance

If you wish to maintain your heat pump system, several solutions are available to reduce the cost of this operation:

  • Certifications such as Qualit'EnR: they may entitle you to tax benefits or partial coverage of your heat pump's maintenance.
  • Local aids some local authorities offer subsidies for the maintenance of heating equipment
  • Energy bonuses eco-services: offered by certain energy suppliers, they are designed to support their customers in their efforts to go green.

The benefits of regular maintenance of your heat pump

Regular maintenance of your PAC has several advantages, including the following:

  • Performance enhancement Annual maintenance helps to keep your system running at peak efficiency and avoid problems caused by excessive power consumption.
  • Longer service life : regular maintenance of your heat pump preserves its internal components, prolonging its life and helping you save money in the long term
  • Reduced risk of unexpected breakdowns regular maintenance will help you avoid costly breakdowns and ensure constant thermal comfort in your home.

Although the purchase of a heat pump represents a worthwhile investment to reduce your energy bills and promote responsible consumption, it's essential to take into account the maintenance costs of your heat pump when making your decision.

Don't hesitate to ask for several quotations, and find out about any financial assistance you may be eligible for, to limit these maintenance expenses.

Julien G.

Juliena mechanical engineering graduate and specialist in climate engineering since 2009, has become a writer specializing in renewable energies, with expertise in heat pumps and photovoltaic solar panels for individual housing.
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