
What is the price of a heat pump for an 80 m² house?

The popularity of heat pumps can be explained both by a desire to reduce energy bills, especially in a context of soaring prices, and by a growing ecological awareness. While the heat pump shines in both respects, it nonetheless represents a substantial investment that needs to be properly planned.

In this article, we will answer the question: what is the price of a heat pump for an 80 m² house ?

According to figures from INSEE (France's statistics institute), the average household lives in a 91 m² home. In detail, owners have an average of 109 m², while renters have less than 70 m². We have therefore chosen 80 m² homes as a starting point to guide you towards a more accurate estimate of the cost of this eco-responsible heating solution. 

Don't have time to read everything? Here's a first answer: For an 80 m² house, a heat pump would cost between 5,000 and 19,000 euros. Why such a wide range? The answer lies in the different options available to you: air-to-air heat pumps, air-to-water heat pumps, water-to-water heat pumps, geothermal heat pumps, but also in the configuration of your home, the climate of your region, whether or not you want to integrate domestic hot water, etc. 

In the rest of this guide, we'll explore the details of investment cost to help you make an informed choice. 

Heat pump: average prices for an 80 m² house 

There's a heat pump for every budget and every configuration. Whether you opt for an air-to-air, air-to-water, water-to-water or geothermal heat pump, here are the price ranges for an 80 m² house.

Price of an air-to-air heat pump for an 80 m² house

The price of an air-to-air heat pump for 80 m² of floor space is €3,650 on average, but bear in mind that the cost can vary from €1,450 to €8,800, including installation. To put this into perspective, a heat pump for 30 m² would cost between €1,450 and €3,200, while an air-to-air heat pump for a 120 m² house would range from €5,600 to €8,800.

Price of an air-to-water heat pump for an 80 m² house

If you prefer an air-to-water heat pump, the average cost for an 80 m² house is between €6,500 and €9,000, excluding installation costs. To install the heat pump, you'll need to add between €1,500 and €3,000.

Price of a water-to-water heat pump for an 80 m² house

The more expensive water-to-water heat pump would cost you an average of €11,100, with a price range from €9,000 to €16,000, including installation. In detail, a water-to-water heat pump with domestic hot water (DHW) production would cost between €10,500 and €16,000, while a heating-only model would cost between €9,000 and €13,500, including installation.

Price of a geothermal heat pump for an 80 m² house

The price of a geothermal heat pump ranges from €20,000 to €40,000. The price depends on a number of factors, including the power of the equipment, its brand, labor costs and, above all, the type of collector. So, depending on whether you opt for horizontal or vertical collectors, you'll need to allow for :

  • Between €14,000 and €22,000 for horizontal collectors;
  • Between €16,000 and €25,000 for vertical collectors.

Why are geothermal heat pumps so expensive? Because they're highly efficient, with a COP of 5 to 6. This is because the temperature of the ground is relatively constant compared with the outside air from which air-source heat pumps draw their calories. They are also more durable and virtually silent.

What are the factors that influence the price of PAC?

To go beyond averages and understand why the price of a heat pump can vary so much for an 80 m² house, we need to take a closer look at the key factors that influence cost.

The power of the heat pump

The main factor influencing the price of a heat pump is its capacity. Power depends essentially on the surface area to be heated, since a properly sized heat pump guarantees energy savings, high efficiency and optimum comfort. A poorly sized heat pump will either be incapable of reaching and maintaining the desired temperature (undersized), or too noisy, too power-hungry and expensive to buy and maintain (oversized). 

For an 80 m² house, how do you determine the power required for your heat pump? We take a look at the question. 

The volume to be heated

It all starts with calculating the volume to be heated. You multiply the ceiling height by the total surface area of your home.

The construction coefficient

The building coefficient depends on the level of insulation in your home. The better insulated your home, the lower the coefficient. For example, a house meeting RT 2012 standards has a coefficient of 0.7, while a poorly insulated house will have a coefficient of 1.3. 

The basic outdoor temperature

The basic outdoor temperature varies according to your geographical zone, and indicates the effort your heat pump must make to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. In France, for example, there are three zones:

  • H1 (North and East): - 9 °C ;
  • H2 (West): - 6 °C ;
  • H3 (South and Corsica): - 3 °C.

The calculation to be made

Now let's combine all these elements to determine the heat pump capacity required for an 80 m² house: 

Volume to be heated x design coefficient x (desired indoor temperature - basic outdoor temperature)

For example, for an 80 m² house with a ceiling height of 3 metres, complying with RT 2012 standards and located in zone H1, the calculation would be as follows:

(80 x 3) x 0.7 x (21 - (-9)) = 5040 watts

This means you would need a 5.04 KW heat pump to maintain an indoor temperature of 21°C.

Installation costs

It can be expensive, but having a heat pump installed by a qualified professional is an expense you won't regret. Installation costs vary considerably depending on the type of heat pump you choose, and can be as much as double! 

On average, the price of installing a heat pump ranges from €2,000 to €7,000, but the bill climbs with complex installations, particularly geothermal heat pumps (over €10,000), which require a soil survey, drilling, earthworks and the installation and connection of equipment.

To give you a clearer idea, here is an estimate of installation costs for different types of heat pumps:

  • Air-to-air heat pump: from €500 to €3,000 ;
  • Air-to-water heat pump: from €1,000 to €3,000 ;
  • Water-to-water heat pump: from €1,500 to €4,000 ;
  • Geothermal heat pump: from €5,000 to €10,000.

However, financial aid, incentives for self-consumption, resale and the eco PTZ reduce the initial investment, which brings us to the next point.

Installing a heat pump: focus on available financial assistance

Under certain conditions, you may be eligible for financial assistance that can greatly reduce the cost of installing your heat pump. To explain this in more detail, we've chosen the example of France, where you can benefit from a number of financial incentives, provided you choose an RGE (Reconnu Garant de l'Environnement) professional.

  • MaPrimeRénov' : This assistance replaces the energy transition tax credit and Anah grants. It is awarded on the basis of several criteria, including household income and the type of work carried out. In practical terms, you can receive up to €10,000 for your installation;
  • MaPrimeRenov' Serenity Energy saving scheme: to be introduced in 2022, this scheme is designed to encourage low-income households to undertake major energy renovation work. The reward: 35 % of the cost of the work for low-income households (yellow profile), and up to 50 % of the cost of the work for very low-income households (blue profile);
  • The Coup de Pouce Heating bonus This bonus is designed to encourage low-income households to replace their old heating equipment with more energy-efficient solutions. The amount depends on the nature of the work;
  • Help from energy suppliers As part of the Energy Savings Certificates (CEE) scheme, some energy suppliers offer grants to help finance the installation of a heat pump. The amount depends on a number of factors: income, size of dwelling, type of heat pump, type of work involved, etc. ... ;
  • Local government assistance Depending on where you live, you may be eligible for local grants to install a heat pump;
  • The zero-rate eco-loan (eco PTZ): this interest-free loan can be used to finance certain energy renovation projects, including the installation of a heat pump. Like all loans, it is repayable ;
  • The reduced VAT rate of 5.5 % VAT: certain energy renovation work, including the installation of a heat pump, can benefit from a reduced VAT rate of 5.5 %.

Heat pump for an 80 m² house: what you need to know 

Installation costs, required heat pump output, type of heat pump chosen... the costs associated with installing a heat pump for an 80 m² house can be daunting. The good news is that there are a number of financial aids available to support your project, which will greatly lighten the bill. 

For an 80 m² house :

  • Air-to-air heat pump The average cost is around €3,650, with a price range from €1,450 to €8,800, including installation;
  • Air-to-water heat pump The average cost is between €6,500 and €9,000, excluding installation costs, which can vary from €1,500 to €3,000;
  • Water-to-water heat pump The average cost is around €11,100, with a price range from €9,000 to €16,000, including installation;
  • Geothermal heat pump costing between €20,000 and €40,000, including installation.

All in all, installing a heat pump is a profitable long-term investment. And don't forget that you're also doing something for the planet.

Reda T.

Reda holds a PhD in finance and specializes in renewable energy economics. He combines financial expertise with an interest in sustainability, writing not only on the financing of green projects, but also on more general topics and frequently asked questions in this field.
