Cheap high temperature heat pump : TOP 5

If you are renovating an old house equipped with radiators requiring 60-65°C water temperature to deliver their power, a solution to switch to renewable energy is to install a high temperature heat pump. This will allow you to save some energy, to benefit from the state's incentives, and not to lose in thermal comfort.

We speak of a high temperature heat pump when the temperature of the hot water leaving the condenser of the heat pump is around 60°C or 65°C. Some heat pumps, such as the Yutaki S80 or the Daikin Altherma 3H HT, can reach even higher temperatures, up to 80°C, which is referred to as very high temperature.

In this article we present 5 models of cheap high temperature heat pumps available on the market.

5 cheapest high temperature heat pumps

Mitsubishi Zubadan Silence R32

Mitsubishi Electric is a heating and cooling heavyweight. The company turned 100 years old in 2021 and has about 120,000 employees worldwide including almost 2% researchers. Their annual turnover is about 40 billion euros.

The Japanese brand develops its own technologies thanks to its army of researchers (about 2000). It markets in particular the Zubadan (it is an expression which means "super heating" in Japanese 🙂 ).

Thermal performance of the Zubadan Silence R32

The Mitsubishi Zubadan is able to provide water up to 60°C even when it is very cold outside, down to -7°C. And it is able to maintain its heating power down to -15°C outside.

The COP on the best selling model (the 8kW) is just over 5 A7W35.

This Zubadan Silence R32 is available in 7 sizes from 8kW single phase to 14kW three phase.

See Mitsubishi Zubadan technical sheet

Notable technical features of this Zubadan Silence R32 high temperature heat pump model

There are several technical details that make it a competitive heat pump:

  • Guaranteed to work down to -28°C (perfect for heating your tent at Everest base camp ;))
  • Sound pressure of 42dBA at 1m and 28dBA at 5m: very quiet (value for the Zubadan silence 8, of 6kW...after that it goes up of 2dBA every two sizes)
  • Available in split heating only, and also with integrated DHW 170L, 200L or 300L depending on the number of people and bathrooms
  • Self-adapting control: it measures the difference between the set temperature and the actual room temperature, and adapts the heating flow to reach the required set temperature.

Price of the Zubadan Silence R32 Mitsubishi

You will find this heat pump from a little less than 6000€. for the smallest size 8 and up to about 8500€. for the biggest one. To this will be added 3000 to 4000€ of installationunless you do it yourself :). If you go through a craftsman RGE, you can claim subsidies according to your income. Therefore the whole thing could well come back to you at less than 10k€.

Atlantic Alféa Excellia A.I - R410A

We have already talked about the Vendée-based brand Atlantic, created in 1968, in this article. We can remember that it is an innovative French brand and very focused on research and development.

Thermal performance of the Alfea Excellia AI R410A

Their Alfea Excellia AI R410A model is capable of delivering hot water at 60°C down to an outdoor temperature of -20°C.

Their machines, depending on the size, provide hot thermal power between 10kW and 17kW A7W35. And the COP varies between 4 and 4.3.

Some technical elements of this Alfea Excellia AI R410A

  • This heat pump uses the famous Atlantic coaxial exchanger, which is less sensitive than the classic plate exchangers.
  • Compressor with liquid re-injection which allows to have 60°C by -20°C
  • 1 or 2 zone control (option)

See the data sheet

Price of this Alfea Excellia AI R410A heat pump

You will find this heat pump from 7500€ for the smallest, and up to 12000€. for the biggest one.


Let's go back to Japan with this Toshiba heat pump. The company which was created in 1875 by two entrepreneurs and inventors Tanaka and Fujioka, has always had the will to create wealth by improving the quality of life of their compatriots. Toshiba has a turnover of 31 billion dollars per year and more than 140,000 employees worldwide! Another reference in air conditioning and heating.

Thermal performance of the Toshiba Estia Extreme

This high-temperature heat pump is capable of supplying water up to 60°C. It operates down to -25°C outside.

The ESTIA Extreme is available in 2 single-phase sizes of 8 and 11 kW for A7/W35, and 3 three-phase sizes delivering 8, 11 and 14 kW for A7/W35.

See Estia Extreme data sheet

Technical elements to remember for the Toshiba Estia Extreme

  • The Estia Extreme heat pump is equipped with the Toshiba DC Twin Rotary design compressor. This is a compressor that has the particularity of being 40% better when it is at 50% load, compared to full load operation.
  • Possibility of cooling in cold mode.

Price of the Toshiba Estia Extreme

Indoor + outdoor module of the Estia Extreme: you will get about 8000€ for an 8kW model which is standard.

Panasonic Aquarea T CAP Generation H

The Japanese brand Panasonic, a major player in the world of refrigeration and heating, also has its high temperature model. 60°C.

Thermal performance of the Panasonic Aquarea T CAP Generation H

ModelHot Power A7/W35COP A7/W35
Aquarea T-CAP Monobloc Generation H (monobloc) - 9kW
Aquarea T-CAP Monobloc Generation H (monobloc) - 12kW
Aquarea T-CAP Monobloc Generation H (monobloc) - 16kW

This heat pump maintains 100% of its power down to -15°C

See data sheet Panasonic Aquarea T CAP Gen. H

Technical elements to remember for the Panasonic Aquarea T CAP Generation H

This model of high temperature heat pump has several assets that make it a competitive machine:

  • Panasonic's TCAP technology: fluid re-injection before the compressor sucks in for
    constant power up to -15°C outside
  • Rotary R2 compressor: supports more start-up, more robust.

Price of the Panasonic Aquarea T CAP Generation H

Aquarea T-CAP Monobloc Generation H (monobloc) - 9kW
Aquarea T-CAP Monobloc Generation H (monobloc) - 12kW
Aquarea T-CAP Monobloc Generation H (monobloc) - 16kW


Gree is a Chinese company that was founded in 1991. Today it is managed by businesswoman Dong Mingzhu and is one of the world's largest suppliers of air conditioning equipment.

This Gree Versati III is a split unit that runs on R32.

Thermal performance of the Gree VERSATI III

Capable of providing an output water temperature of 60°C, it can maintain its power down to -25°C.

It is available in single and three-phase. Here is a table that summarizes the sizes and powers of the Gree Versati III

In Single Phase

Size SP4SP6SP8SP10SP12SP14SP16
Power kW A7/W354.
Power kW A7/W454.
Power kW A7/W553.685.87.368.7412.814.9616.68

In three-phase

Size SP8SP10SP12SP14SP16
Power kW A7/W358.0010.2011.8913.9615.54
Power kW A7/W458.00
Power kW A7/W557.369.3812.6914.9216.72

See Gree Versati III data sheet

Technical elements to remember for the Gree VERSATI III

The components are state-of-the-art:

  • Wilo Inverter pump
  • Alpha Laval plate heat exchanger
    GREE patented two-stage injection compressor
  • BDLC DC Inverter fan motor.


The approximate prices observed are as follows:

Size SP4SP6SP8SP10SP12SP14SP16
Price € HT5000€5500€6000€6500€7000€7500€8000€

3 Very high temperature heat pumps

Beyond the high temperature which already allows to keep old radiators, there are air water heat pumps which are able to go even higher in temperature: 75-80°C. This offers even more comfort, while remaining as much as possible in thermodynamic operation, i.e. without using electric resistance.

Here are three models that should make you happy if you are looking for this kind of performance.

Hitachi Yutaki S80

This model of high temperature heat pump is able to maintain its power until -25°C, and can provide water until 80°C. Perfect for a renovation of old house on radiators.

Daikin Altherma 3H HT

This high-temperature heat pump model, a real star on the European market, needs no introduction.

To learn more about him or the brand Daikin you can read our full review

LG Therma V High Temperature R410A

Running on R410A, it can produce up to 80°C of hot water and it also maintains its power up to -25°C in the outside air.

We hope that this article has given you some ideas for your new energy renovation project and especially for replacing your old heating system with an air-to-water heat pump.

Julien G.

Juliena mechanical engineering graduate and specialist in climate engineering since 2009, has become a writer specializing in renewable energies, with expertise in heat pumps and photovoltaic solar panels for individual housing.
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