Chimney Sweeping Pellets: What are they? And is it effective?

As you are no doubt aware, the annual sweeping of pellet stoves, wood-burning stoves or fireplaces is compulsory according to the regulations in force. Decree no. 2023-641 of July 20, 2023. In fact, you're obliged to call in a professional chimney sweep, who will issue you with a certificate following his work. This certificate will attest to your compliance with the law in the event of a claim, and will enable you to claim on your insurance if necessary.

Chimney sweeping granules contain chemical compounds that make it easier to remove soot from the chimney flue afterwards.

There are two types of soot removal for pellet stoves. Mechanical and chemical soot removal. In this article, we focus on chemical soot removal, which is carried out using soot-removal granules. It is in no way compulsory, and is carried out between two chimney-sweeping operations.

Read also: Is it possible or forbidden to do your own chimney sweeping?

What are chimney sweeping granules?

Catalytic chimney sweep granules are a granular product used for chemical chimney sweeping of stoves. Their purpose is to facilitate mechanical chimney sweeping.

When burned, they release chemicals that help break down the soot and tar on the inner wall of the flue.

These soot-removal granules may contain copper, zinc or other metal salts that act as catalysts. In other words, they speed up the chemical reaction that breaks down soot.

They may also contain binding agents and other chemical compounds, depending on the manufacturer, to facilitate combustion and catalytic reaction.

Are chimney sweeping granules effective?

The purpose of chimney sweep pellets is to make mechanical sweeping easier. Your chimney sweep will find it easier to remove soot and tar from the flue.

Don't expect to get a complete sweep with just sweeping granules. You'll still need to have your chimney swept mechanically, as required by law.

Pellet sweeping is therefore optional, but it does help to maintain an optimum draught, optimize your stove's performance and avoid the risk of fire and harmful gas emissions.

How much do chimney sweeping granules cost?

Chimney sweep pellets are most often sold in 1.5kg or 3kg packs, which correspond to 1 or 2 uses. Count on around 1.5kg of pellets per sweep.

You'll find different prices online or in stores, but in general chimney sweeping pellets cost between €4 and €7 per kilogram.

At Leroy Merlin, for example, you can find a 3kg box of FLAM & CO granules for €21.90. At Brico Dépôt you'll find chimney sweeping granules for €6 for 1.4kg.

Given that it's recommended to use them every two weeks, if you use them for a whole winter (3 months), you'll need around 10kg of sweeping pellets, for an approximate budget of between €40 and €60.

To this you'll need to add the cost of your chimney sweep's intervention, often between €80 and €150 depending on the region.

Julien G.

Juliena mechanical engineering graduate and specialist in climate engineering since 2009, has become a writer specializing in renewable energies, with expertise in heat pumps and photovoltaic solar panels for individual housing.
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