Japanese heat pump : TOP 5 Air Water

The Japanese are known to be excellent manufacturers. The reputation of their car brands is well known, such as Mazda, Toyota or Honda. Japan is an industrialized country, where the work is a pillar fundamental. Many organizational methods and industrial management come from the land of the Rising Sun: for example, the method of the 5S. No wonder that many heat pumps are built in Japan and are of high quality.

In this article, we look back at the 5 best Japanese air-to-water heat pumpsand also the most popular.

Mitsubishi heat pumps

Mitsubishi is a company created in 1921 in Japan which today employs 120,000 employees worldwide, for a turnover of 40 billion euros per year! It is only since 1991 that the Mitsubishi Electric branch sells air conditioning and heating solutions, including heat pumps, but also air conditioning, hot water tanks, or home automation.

Mitsubishi Air Water heat pump models

At Mitsu Electric, we have a flagship model that comes in 4 variants depending on the use: it is the Mitsubishi Ecodan Hydrobox.

  1. For heating only: the Mitsubishi Ecodan Hydrobox
  2. For heating and cooling: the Mitsubishi Ecodan Hydrobox reversible
  3. For heating and domestic hot water: the Mitsubishi Ecodan Hydrobox Duo
  4. To heat, cool and produce domestic hot water: the Mitsubishi Ecodan Hydrobox Duo Reversible

Mitsubishi Ecodan Hydrobox & Ecodan Hydrobox reversible

Designed to heat and/or cool water for the heating network, the Ecodan Hydrobox is a split model using R32. The unit consists of a hydraulic module to be installed inside, connected by refrigeration link to an external unit to be placed in front or further away.

This heat pump model is available in 3 variants depending on the required power:

  • From 4 to 8kW models: these are the Eco Inverter 4, 6, and 8for the spaces of small size < 100m2. All equipped with the Eco Inverter technology Mitsubishi, these models have a COP up to 5.2. Etas is 187% at 35°Cwhich gives an energy class A+++ and 132% at 55°C which gives a class A++
  • From 8 to 16kW models: these are the Power Inverter Silence 8 and Zubadan Silence 8for medium-sized spaces, between 100 and 150m2. They have respectively the technologies Power Inverter, and Zubadan, as well as the Silence that we see below. A COP up to 5an Etas at 35°C of 180% for a class A+++and a Etas from 131 to 55°C for a class A++
  • From 17 to 25 kW models: these are the Power Inverter 22 and 25 Trias well as the Zubadan 23 Tri. for large villas or buildings, between 150 and 250m2. A COP up to 4.2. Etas at 35°C of about 165%, and at 55°C of 128, which gives an A++ class

Mitsubishi Ecodan Hydrobox Duo & Ecodan Hydrobox Duo Reversible

These models are quite similar to the models that only do heating or cooling, but have an integrated hot water tank in the hydraulic unit. This results in a slightly larger interior module the size of a good fridge.

For this model of heat pump, there are only 2 variants from 4 to 16kW:

  • From 4 to 8kW : These are the models Eco Inverter Duo 4 170L or 200L and Eco Inverter Duo 6 170L or 200L. For small spaces size > 100m2 who need heating + hot water. Techno Eco Inverter, COP up to 5.2. Etas 35°C of 187% and 55°C of 132% of which gives class A++ or A++
  • From 8 to 16kW models: these are the Power Inverter Silence Duo 8 170L or 200L or 300Lfor a larger space or a larger family that needs heating + hot water up to 300L (about 6 people). COP 5.2. Etas 35°C of 178/ for class A++, and Etas 55°C of 131% for class A++.

Technical specifications of Mitsubishi heat pumps

Mitsubishi and its research lab have developed a number of technologies that equip the heat pumps to make them competitive products that adapt to regulations and customer desires.

Silence technology

Mitsubishi has set up a special chassis for the heat pump so that a perfectly shaped fan can be installed to limit the air noise in the outdoor unit. Also, the compressor is insulated to reduce noise to a minimum. The gain over standard models is about -13dBA less sound power. This gives about 2 times less noise for the ear (10dBA being about twice less noise in human perception)

Inverter technology

A technology that is fairly standard in all compressors to date, these compressors can adapt their speed according to the demand for heating or cooling, which limits wear and tear and untimely starts that can cause breakage.

Zubadan technology

From the Japanese word Zubadan, which means Super Heater, it is the technology for super harsh climates. The heat pump retains its power down to -15°C outside, and can even operate down to -25°C but not at full power. The big advantage of Zubadan is that it allows a very fast temperature rise and responds to the heating demand very quickly => perfect for comfort.

The Eco-Inverter technology

This technology is based on an increase of the exchange surface and a special regulation of the refrigerating circuit for an operation at low temperature, i.e. around 35°C. This allows the units equipped with it to meet the latest standards, including the RE2020.

Power Inverter technology

Thanks to the addition of a power reserve cylinder, the heat pumps have a better energy efficiency, can reach 60°C in hot water flow, and give 18% more performance compared to a conventional model.

The price of Mitsubishi heat pumps

These are the recommended retail prices for Mitsubishi heat pumps. However, you will have to go through an installer to buy them, who will receive a discount from his supplier. The recommended retail price is the maximum price at which you should buy this heat pump

ModelPublic price in € incl. VATFunction
Eco Inverter 46865 €Hot and/or cold
Eco Inverter 67698 €Hot and/or cold
Eco Inverter 88718 €Hot and/or cold
Power Inverter Silence 8 R329348 €Hot and/or cold
Zubadan Silence 8 R3211994 €Hot and/or cold
Power Inverter 22 Tri16224 €Hot and/or cold
Zubadan 23 Tri22971 €Hot and/or cold
Power Inverter 25 Tri17976 €Hot and/or cold
Eco Inverter Duo 4 170L10117 €Heating and/or cooling + DHW
Eco Inverter Duo 4 200L10243 €Heating and/or cooling + DHW
Eco Inverter Duo 6 170L10950 €Heating and/or cooling + DHW
Eco Inverter Duo 6 200L11076 €Heating and/or cooling + DHW
Power Inverter Silence Duo 8 170L R3212600 €Heating and/or cooling + DHW
Power Inverter Silence Duo 8 200L R3212726 €Heating and/or cooling + DHW
Power Inverter Silence Duo 8 300L R3213104 €Heating and/or cooling + DHW

Daikin heat pumps

Daikin is a Japanese company founded in 1924. It employs about 10,000 people worldwide, generating an annual turnover of between 3 and 4 billion. It is therefore a reference in the world of heating and air conditioning, and a very popular brand in Europe in the world of heat pumps.

Daikin air-to-water heat pump models

The Daikin air-to-water heat pump models is available in two variants: there are models for medium temperature and models for high temperature.

Daikin medium temperature air water heat pumps

We have 3 models capable of delivering medium water temperature i.e. max. 55°C 60°C :

  • Daikin Altherma 3M : the small one. Between 9 and 16kW A7/W35. SCOP at 55°C 3.5 with Etas 130% and SCOP at 35°C 4.5 with Etas 180%. Sound power 62dBA
  • Daikin Altherma 3R : the compact. Between 9 and 11kW A7W35. SCOP same as 3M Altherma model.
  • Daikin Altherma 3H MT : the classic. Between 7.5 and 10.5kW of hot power A-7/W55. Cop of 2 approximately. Output 60°C

Daikin high temperature air water heat pumps

This is the most popular type of heat pump at Daikin: theAltherma 3H HT available in 3 sizes delivering power between 10 and 12kW A-7/W60. Water outlet temperature Max 70°C. Read our review of this model.

Some technical specifications of the Japanese brand Daikin

The Daikin brand is innovative and offers constantly evolving technology to meet the demands of homeowners.

Double injection scroll compressor

This technology allows to reach a water outlet temperature of 70°C, even at extreme outside temperatures like -15°C.

3-layer insulated compressor

The compressor is specially insulated to eliminate noise.

Fan grill designed to reduce noise

As much as noise is a real auditory perception, it is also influenced by our visual impressions. That's why Daikin has designed a grille whose appearance is specifically designed to reduce the "visual" impression of noise that often leads us to overestimate the actual noise generated.

Daikin heat pump prices

ModelPublic price in € incl. VAT
Daikin Altherma 3 M 4-6-83500€ à 4000€
Daikin Altherma 3 M 11- 14 - 165000€ à 6000€
Daikin Altherma 3 R6500€ à 7500€
Daikin Altherma 3H MT 8-10-126700€ à 9900€
Daikin Altherma 3H HT Size 1411000€
Daikin Altherma 3H HT Size 1611500€
Daikin Altherma 3H HT Size 1812500€

Panasonic heat pumps

Panasonic is a Japanese company and brand founded by Konosuke Matsuhita. The heating and air conditioning branch released its first air conditioner in 1958, and its first high performance heat pump in Japan in 1973. The Aquarea line of heat pumps was introduced in 2010, with the next generation heat pumps evolving in 2022 with the Aquarea K and L series.

Air-to-water heat pump models from the Japanese brand Panasonic

Panasonic air-to-water heat pumps are available in 5 variants:

  • For new buildings: Aquarea Ecoflex
  • For well insulated standard buildings: Aquarea High Performance. Available in split or monobloc, with or without domestic hot water. The range goes from 3 to 16kW.
  • For extreme cold: Aquarea T-CAP. Split or monobloc with or without DHW. Power from 9 to 16kW. Operates with R410A. Water outlet 60°C.
  • For old house with radiators: Aquarea HT. Split or monobloc with or without DHW, from 9 to 12kW. Can supply up to 65°C of hot water, and goes up to 75°C to sterilize the DHW.
  • New multi-function range : Aquarea K and L Series. With a launch planned for the spring 2023 these heat pumps are visually worked, and work (for the L series) with a very ecological gas, propane or R290. The hot power supplied can go from 5 to 12kW in single-phase and up to 16kW in three-phase. Operates down to -25°C. Sound power of 56dBA for the 9kW model. Class A++ SCOP 5.12 at 35°C and solar panel compatibility.

Technical specifications of Panasonic Japanese air-to-water heat pumps

Rotary compressor R2

Developed by Panasonic, the R2 rotary compressor is a high efficiency compressor based on rolling piston technology. More compact and more durable, these compressors are also quieter and more stable (less vibrations). NB: they can start up to 11 times per hour instead of 6 as standard: more robust.

TCAP technology

TCAP for Total Capacity Double wall heat exchanger with fluid re-injection before the compressor suction, which allows a constant heating even at very low temperatures, down to -20°C. (Maintaining the heating at 100% without electrical backup)

Aquarea Cloud Service

A system that allows technicians to observe and intervene on your heating system remotely. This implies a reduction of intervention costs in case of need of intervention, as well as a better reactivity.

Panasonic heat pump prices

ModelPublic price in € incl. VAT
Aquarea Ecoflexbetween 6000€ and 8000€.
Aquarea High Performancebetween 6300€ and 7300€.
Aquarea T-CAPbetween 7000€ and 8000€.
Aquarea HTbetween 6000€ and 8000€.
Aquarea K and L Seriescoming soon

Hitachi Heat Pumps

JCI Hitachi is actually a joint venture between Hitachi and Johnson Controls. 40% for one and 60% for the other. Established in 2015, it brings together two century-old companies, with 15,000 employees in 15 different countries.

Hitachi Heat Pump Models

Mainly R32, except for high temperature, Hitachi heat pumps all have the name Yutaki with the addition of a letter and a term:

  • Yutaki S 2.0 : R32 air-to-water split heat pump (from 4 to 8kW) or R410A (from 11 to 24kW). Operates down to -25°C, produces water up to 60°C (with make-up below -5°C, and -10°C if R410A model). COP up to 5.25 A7/W35.
  • Yutaki S Combi 2.0 Yutaki S2.0 : same as Yutaki S2.0 but with the production of domestic hot water in addition. The hot water tank is in the hydraulic module of 1.79m height and to be placed on the ground.
  • Yutaki S80 & Yutaki S80 Combi Air to water heat pump from 11 to 16kW. Maintains heating at constant power down to -15°C in 100% thermodynamic (without electrical resistance) and guaranteed down to -20°C, all while producing water at 80°C. COP A7/W35 of 5.
  • Yutaki M : air-water heat pump monobloc with R32 (4 to 8kW) or R410A (from 11 to 24kW). Operates down to -20°C but not in degraded heating power.
  • Yutaki H & Yutaki H Combi Hydraulically connected split heat pump, also called hydrosplit, the indoor unit and outdoor unit are connected by hydraulic lines instead of refrigerant. Power from 11 to 16kW, R32 operation. Production of domestic hot water at 60°C even at -10°C outside, and 55°C even at -20°C outside. 100% thermodynamic up to A-7/W55 (i.e. below -7°C either no more water is supplied at 55°C or an electric heating element is used)

Some technical features of Hitachi heat pumps

A very thin outer group

Hitachi is making an effort to reduce the size of the outdoor unit, which is becoming thinner and thinner, at about 30cm thick. This allows you to reduce its visual impact on your home.

Insulation of the ECS tank in NEOPOR

The insulation of the hot water tank is particularly effective since it is made with an innovative material: NEOPOR. It is an alloy between styrene C8H8 and graphex (granite graphite) developed by BASF. This alloy is about 30% more insulating than polystyrene. The use of this material reflects the innovative character of the brand, and makes it possible to limit heat loss in the domestic hot water in COMBI systems.

Hitachi Heat Pump Prices

ModelPublic price in € incl. VAT
Yutaki S 2.0between 4000€ and 5200€.
Yutaki S2.0 Combibetween 5900€ and 7000€.
Yutaki S80between 5900€ and 7700€.
Yutaki S80 Combibetween 10900€ and 11400€.
Yutaki Mbetween 5900€ and 7700€.
Yutaki H & Yutaki H Combi coming soon

Toshiba heat pumps

Founded in 1875 by Japan's Thomas Edison, Mr. Tanaka, and another inventor named Fujioka, Toshiba's goal is to improve the lives of the Japanese people. Toshiba has more than 140,000 employees in 64 countries and annual sales of more than 30 billion US dollars.

Toshiba air-to-water heat pump models

Toshiba's air-to-water heat pump models are called Estia:

  • The air water heat pump ESTIA with integrated ECS R32 operated, offers hot water flow temperature up to 65°C, and even 62°C when it is -25°C outside. Integrated hot water tank 210L. It is a split heat pump: interior + exterior. The available powers range from 4 kW to 11 kW in hot A7/W35
  • The air water heat pump ESTIA Wall-mounted: The same as the model below, but without the production of domestic hot water. Just for heating from 4 to 11kW A7/W35.

Technical specifications of Toshiba air-to-water heat pumps

Twin Rotary compressor

Toshiba is a proven compressor specialist, and has developed Twin Rotary 2-stage compressor technology that can operate at 10% of its rated power if needed to adapt to conditions and maximize energy savings.

Maximum compactness of the hydraulic module

The hydraulic indoor module in wall-mounted mode takes up very little space, being only 235mm thick, making it one of the thinnest indoor units on the market. If the hot water tank is integrated, the module takes up classic dimensions with a thickness of 670mm.

The price of Toshiba air water heat pumps

ModelPublic price in € incl. VAT
Estia Integrated DHWbetween 5000€ and 7500€.
Estia Muralbetween 4000€ and 6500€.

Julien G.

Juliena mechanical engineering graduate and specialist in climate engineering since 2009, has become a writer specializing in renewable energies, with expertise in heat pumps and photovoltaic solar panels for individual housing.
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