Still called pellet stove, the pellet stove is a remarkable thermal innovation. It is without doubt one of the best indoor heating systems available today. Affordable in terms of cost and easy to install, these devices are popular in many French households. However, if you want to opt for wood energy powered by pellet stoves, our review of the Palazzetti model will certainly interest you.
If you would like a quote for the purchase and installation of a Palazetti pellet stove, feel free to fill out the form below. We will get back to you with an offer.
Palazzetti, a historical know-how
Before giving its name to one of the legendary pellet stoves on the market, Palazzetti was first a family business that had been passed down through the generations. The brand's project began in 1954 with a precise objective. It was to heat homes in a natural but efficient way without harming the environment.
In the 1970s, the company entered the industrial world with the construction of fireplaces. In addition to being beautiful and well-built, these fireplaces were a novelty on the market because of their ease of installation. The company did not stop there! It extends its know-how to the production of other innovative products such as wood and pellet stoves and fireplaces.
In 1992, Palazzetti was one of the pioneers of a revolutionary new technology: double combustion. This technology increases the thermal performance of fireplaces while reducing carbon monoxide emissions into the atmosphere.
Two years later, in 1994, the company launches the production of the pellet stove. This new model named Ecofire quickly became very successful. The company even boasts of being the Italian stove manufacturer with the lowest carbon monoxide emissions (0.06%).
In 2004, the company is master of its technology and one of the leaders in the stove industry. This time, it offers you the possibility to choose between wood and pellets on the same appliance for your heating. A new innovation named Multifire.
Despite all these technological advances Palazzetti remains a pioneer of progress and in 2009 manufactures its first fully waterproof stove model. Other innovations such as the O2Ring system are added to the product. In 2014, technology is at its premium and Palazzetti completes its offer with a digital application. This allows you to manage and customize your heating efficiently from a smartphone. Practical for avoiding energy waste.
Specialty of the Palazzetti brand
It is clear today that the Palazzetti brand is specialized in the design of pellet and wood stoves, especially its Ecofire models. It markets several models of fireplaces and pellet stoves with water, air or combining both.
Presentation of the Palazzetti pellet stove
The pellet stove manufactured by Palazzetti is an autonomous heating system that works with wood pellets. It is an ecological and economical range with thermal powers ranging from 4 to 26 KW. The manufacturer's stoves are all equipped with a control panel operating in the same way. The user of the device has a range of heating power from 1 to 5.
When the heating power is set, the stove heats up until the corresponding temperature is reached. Once this happens, the heater switches to minimum power without ever stopping. This is the combustion modulation specific to Palazzetti stoves. When the temperature of the appliance falls below the set value, it will return to the initial power and so on.
A basic and intuitive operation allows the Palazzetti stove to maintain constant heating in the house while preserving the spark plug. However, it is important to remember that this adjustable power must be sufficient for the stove to reach the required temperature. The device can not change speed alone, the user must ensure that especially in winter.
The aesthetics of the stove
The reliability of the Palazzetti pellet stove is also based on its aesthetic aspect. The company makes it a point of honor to combine power and aesthetics to its products. Designed to enhance and warm your interior spaces, the Palazzetti stove is available in many colors, shapes and sizes. Choice materials are used for the coating of the appliance, including glass, ceramic and lacquered steel.
The structure of the Palazzetti model consists of a compact block in lacquered steel with a glass door and other elements in nickel-plated steel. The facings of the model offer beautiful effects to the device. At Palazzetti, the stove is designed to be integrated into the interior design. That is why there are several versions in different colors.
Performance of the Palazzetti pellet stove
Knowing the technological history of the company Palazzetti, the performance of their pellet stoves is not to demonstrate. The average power of the stove is 12 KW although the models of the brand have powers ranging from 4 to 26 KW. Whatever the project or the heating environment in which you find yourself, Palazzetti has the stove that will meet your expectations.
An important feature of the brand's stoves is that they generally have five power levels. An average weight of 110 Kg for a tank of 19 Kg. Some models offer the possibility to cut the ventilation on the whole power range and others only on the ranges 1, 2 or 3. The efficiency of these devices is on average 85%, which is excellent.
As far as the acoustics of the appliance are concerned, there may be some noise from the blower and the shut-off during operation. Some models of Palazzetti stoves are equipped with a silent function that reduces the noise of operation on certain power ranges. Thus, when the stove is set to power levels 1, 2 or 3, the sound level meter placed close to the appliance shows about 40 dB. This measurement can rise to 51 dB depending on the operating phase and the model. It is therefore recommended to operate your stove on a reasonable power level so that you do not feel the noise of the device.
What about the price of the device?
To get a pellet stove Palazzetti you will need to provide on average between 2000 and 3000 EUR for a new purchase. This estimate does not take into account any incidental expenses such as installation labor, acquisition of pellets or ducting and air intake. If we consider that the stove is displayed at about 3000 EUR HT, taking into account all these expenses, the conduit should return to you at nearly 6000 EUR according to the following distribution:
Service | Rates |
Acquisition of the Palazzetti Ecofire pellet stove | 3000 EUR |
Granules | 350 EUR |
Conduits | 2000 EUR |
Installation labor | 700 EUR |
Regulation of the Palazzetti model
The regulation of the Palazzetti model is one of the best on the market. In fact, all the models of the brand have a control panel and a box connection option with wifi and a remote control to set the device remotely. Some models are equipped with an external connected thermostat such as Netatmo. Note that the mobile application App Palazzetti allows you to control your device with your smartphone.
Stove footprint
Regarding the dimensions of the Palazzetti stove, the average dimensions available are 110 cm for the height. For the length and width, the dimensions are approximately the same and are between 50 and 55 cm. Not very bulky, the installation of a Palazzetti pellet stove will not take you more than 2 m².

Julien G.
Juliena mechanical engineering graduate and specialist in climate engineering since 2009, has become a writer specializing in renewable energies, with expertise in heat pumps and photovoltaic solar panels for individual housing.
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